2018년 4월 10일 화요일


      I was inspired by Mara Spiottaa student who had the same project as me, creating and filming performance art piece. In her video, she was standing in the middle of the mall, wearing a t-shirt saying, "Technology is my distraction from?" Although she did not call people to come up to her to give the answer, many people started to have interest in her project.  

While I was watching the video, I was thinking that making people read random words lets them think of something that they were not going to think of. Even one word may change the subject that people were thinking about before they read the word. My boyfriend and I held the words, "Relax" and "Peace" on the streets on campus, to encourage people to relax and have a peace for a moment. We posed in a yoga pose that represents relaxation and peace. To show everyone near us, we spu360 degrees like the spinning globe at Universal Studios. 

My three favorite performance artists are Jihee Lee, Seungyoon Choi, and Kunyoung Chang. They are all Korean artists and normally perform in the theatre. In their work, technology does not play an important role. However, one time Seungyoon Choi used a lot of televisions for her performance. I personally think, in the field of Performance Art, the audiences do not necessarily have to find out what the producers are trying to say through their works, but the subject should be expressed clearly. 

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